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donderdag 10 april 2014 17:30 - 17:52

S46.1 Cognitive bias modification in Depression

Opdorp, A. van, Speckens, A., Tendolkar, I., Eijndhoven, P.H.

Voorzitter(s): E. Ruhe

Locatie(s): Zaal 04/05



Many disorders go along with a strong negative information processing bias. Negative stimuli draw and hold the attention, are remembered better, and ambiguous situations are interpreted in a negative way. The resulting cognitive distortions are targeted by cognitive therapy, but since many of the underlying cognitive mechanism are highly automatic and not open to willing control, the power of the interventions are limited.



A new technique 'cognitive bias modification' (CBM) might be a chance to fill this gap. In CBM biases are changed with the help of computer paradigms. It has been shown to be quite effective in anxiety and promising in depression.



In several pilot studies we looked at the possibilities to train attention or approach to positive stimuli and away from negative stimuli. After the trainings, we measured mood before and after a stress task, and the influence of the trainings on cognitive processing. We found that the training was beneficial for a vulnerable group, and that we could influence the processing of emotional stimuli.



The approach-avoidance variant and the attention variant of this general positivity training seem to be interesting options for interventions in depression.